OpenAxiom is an open source platform for symbolic, algebraic, and numerical computations. It offers an interactive environment, an expressive programming language, a compiler, a large set of mathematical libraries of interest to researchers and practitioners of computational sciences.

Maxima used to be built with GCL on Debian, but SBCL is much, much simpler to build on Dyson ;-)
SBCL lacks support for thread on Dyson. Maxima built with SBCL can't load gzipped info pages.
But it works!

I'm in progress of updating illumos components.
Recently Dyson was based on illumos gate dated October 2012.
Now it is moving onto March 2014 snapshot.
As always, it happens in unstable distribution "bok", and
updates are pulled into new testing distribution "lacaille".
The lastest CD ( installs
"messier", but it is "stable" now, e. i. not updated ;-) It's a kind of snapshot.
Upgrade should work as usual: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
But I recommend reboot right after it completes.
Bootstrapping GHC is quite untrivial even if not cross-compiling:
stage 0 and stage 1 compilers must be built with the same toolchain.
Thanks to pkgsrc and SmartOS teams for stage 0 compiler which I used as stage 1 compiler.
This post is written from Midori running on Dyson, screenshot is done on Dyson too :-)